I got Misty eyed

Last Wednesday I woke up at 7:30 am to the sound of Bulkheading equipment being started up. “oh Crap ” to myself so much for that extra 30 minutes I wanted to get in.

I got up and got ready for work. It was a sunny day so not only did I grab the camera but I grabbed the GoPro too!

I clipped it to my shoulder of my backpack and off to work I went! It turned out to be the perfect day for a GoPro Bike ride after work. I crossed the street and rode East Ave from there. I stopped at Lyman street to take a few photos and a little video! on the way home I passed my old house and saw my friend Sheila’s old house got torn down. as I approached the bend of Johnson street the tears started!

Seeing that torn up property where Sheila’s house once stood was sad. Many good memories flooded in and there was a wave of emotion.

I had to pull over to to the sidewalk and recompose myself. I wanted to stopped to hi to Joyce and chip but emotionally I wasn’t fit to do that.

I stopped at the Cheese shop to get a bottle of wine. see Liz and scot snapped me out of my sad emotions and scot said something funny which got me laughing!

Since Hurricane Sandy Bay Head has really changed. I still love it though.

OK here’s some phots I took Wednesday

The Home Owners really take great care of their gardens and landscape

Lyman Street Beach ,Mantoloking N.J

Gardens on Barnegat Lane Mantoloking N.J

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