Climate Change?

I here This term often and I am no expert by any means but here is my thoughts.

When I go out for walks and bike rides I see senseless pollution. Beer and soda cans candy wrappers, food containers and face masks among the many things. We have to educate folks and tell them how bad this is for out environment.

What else is hurting our climate and Ozone? Styrofoam, hairspray and other aerosol products Have you ever walked by a hair salon with its doors open and got a whiff of the chemicals coming out of that place? That can’t be good for the climate. While you beauty queen come out looking beautiful those chemicals are no good for our Ozone.

OK and Moms when you go to get Johnny and Suzie from school please turn your car off if you need to wait. You’ll save gas and cut down on air pollution.

When I get a 6x 9 envelope in the mail with a CD mix in it I try to reuse and recycle it. Hey I save money and recycle! its a win win!

We can ALL do out part. If your a crafter and you use wood for your art projects asks construction workers if you can take the wood pieces they toss aside at a construction site.

Just a few ideas. not bad ones at that ayy?

Have a great rest of the week

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