A Surprise in the mail.

Yesterday as i was taking a nap I thought I heard someone in my kitchen. 10 minutes later I woke up and saw a package of medium wait and size on my counter.

A fellow youtuber Greg who goes by the name the vinyl Rundown on youtube sent me a package! There are some pretty interesting CDs in the box.

I’ll do a review on them in future blogs. It seems people like my music write up and photography more then my environmental tips and rants.

As spring draws closer My blogs will be more interesting.. I hope anyway!

Just as the snow is melting theres more in the forecast! This reminds me of the winter of 1996. No sooner did the snow melt did we get hit with another storm. That was a tough winter.

Thankfully my sister got some groceries for me so I am prepared for another week or so Of being housebound by mother nature. I also took out the trace and recyclables and Yes I have plent of music to listen too. I might even make another mix!

I did a video of what Greg sent me! You can check it out at


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