DJ Trish info

In the mid 1990s I helped my friend Frank DJ the school Dances at BHS. I would cue up requested songs he had on cassette. As He advanced to CDs I still came to the Dances and watched his gear with his wife while he went on small breaks.

In 200 they had a sign up sheet for Volunteers for the school fair. I suggested to him He and I DJ and He suggest I DJ!

He brought his set up and I DJed. I was nervous and excited for such an opportunity at the same time. Peopled liked what I played and I didn’t break anything. It bit me! Yes the DJ bug bit me!

I DJed the school fair with his gear till I got my own in 2009!

I have a wide selection of Rock,Reggae,Jazz ,oldies and some country too! I have DJed at The Bay Head Fire House,Bay Head School,The White Sands,Jack Bakers Wharfside,The Bay Head Yacht Club,The Mantoloking Yacht Club and the VFW in Brick NJ!

If you are have a fundraiser I will gladly donate my time!

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